Order Export Configuration



It is highly recommended to backup your server files and database before installing this module. No responsibility can be taken for any adverse effects it may cause. It is also recommended you install on a test server initially to carry out your own testing.

Basic Configuration

Export Formats

Standard Csv Format in Order Export Premium

Standard Csv format is available in both Order Export Community and Order Export Premium, however in premium you have the option of adding additional attributes to the export when using one line item per row.

These attributes are added to the end of the standard export file. See the attached example which shows the standard export and includes a custom attribute called "warehouse". Any product attributes can be included in the export, even those you have created yourself.

Sage 50 Accounts Format

We've created this preformated file for direct import into Sage 50 Accounts. Only orders in a Complete or Cancelled (closed) state will be exported.  This format is available in both Order Export Community and Order Export Premium. To export the data:

To export in Sage 50 format: 

An example of the export is shown on the examples page 

Highrise Update

You can upload your customer details directly to your Highrise CRM account. This is a great feature and will save you lots of time. It is available in both the premium and community versions of Order Export

To use this feature:

If you log on to your Highrise account you will see:

VAT Exempt Format

We've created this preformated file to meet the requirements of EU companies that must report EU VAT exempt transactions. It is available in Premium Order Export only.

To export the data:

From the orders selected, only transaction from a valid VAT exempt customer will be exported.

An example of the export is shown on the examples page

The export is compatible with our VAT Checker extension, which automatically classifies customers as tax exempt with a valid VAT registration number, see here for more information.

Enabling Automatic Export via Cron

You can use the cron feature in BlueJalappeno Premium Order Export to export all orders not previously exported.  The export is saved to your export directory (usually var/export by default). You can also FTP the file to any location automatically. Any of our export formats is supported. To configure this feature:

Orders will be exported in the format you have selected under "output type" in the standard Blue Jalappeno Order Export configuration.

If 'Exclude orders already exported' is set to 'Yes', Only those orders not previously exported will be included. (For clarity, only orders in the Sales > Orders grid page with a value of 'No' in the exported column will be included).  We recommend for testing you have this configuration set to "No".

The interval you have selected in step 2, will determine which orders are included in the export. For example, Daily will include all orders in last 24 hours, hourly includes those in the last hour etc. 

**A master cron script located at the top level of Magento installation e.g. Your/base/magento/install/cron.sh will need to be run to schedule the cron tasks. You can edit your crontab to run this script at regular intervals (e.g. every 10 mins). Please ask your system or server administrator if you are having trouble.

Testing Your Cron Setup

To test that your configuration of FTP is correct, and your server and firewall allow this traffic, you can use the following steps.

To test the cron script is executing the export:

More Help

If you need further assistance with Order Export Premium or Community, your first stop should be our troubleshooting page. You can also contact Blue Jalappeno directly.