
404 Error on configuration page

After installation if you see a 404 Error on the Order Export configuration page, log out of the admin panel and log back in, this will resolve the issue.

Conflicts with other Extensions

Order Export has been designed to minimise conflicts with other extensions. If you don't see the Order Export menu option on the Sales > Orders screen dropdown menu, and you have other extensions installed that add options or functionality to this screen, then you may have an extension conflict. Please contact our support team with details of other extensions and we can help you resolve the issue.

Automatic export is empty or blank (using cron)

Depending on your server configuration, there may be permissions issues when using cron to export orders (automatic export). A work around we have found is to run the master cron script using curl

e.g. */5 * * * * curl -s -o /dev/null



Uninstalling Order Export

Here are instructions to remove Order Export

We accept no responsibility for errors; make a backup if unsure.

Where can I get support for Order Export ?

Order Export Community is offered as a free extension and is very stable. We would love to hear if you have found a legitimate issue with the extension but we don't offer personalised support for configuration or installation issues. We suggest you look at the docs and examples which should get you started.

You can also purchase Order Export Premium which has more advanced features and a level of free support.

If you already have Order Export Premium and require assistance, please contact us for assistance.